Installation day

What to expect

During installation

  • Arrival and duration

    Our team will arrive at your place between 8-10 am and will likely finish the job in just one day.

  • Who to expect

    A team of 2-4 trusted and experienced installers will arrive on-site to install your system.

  • Final checks and balances

    Before they begin, our installation team will do one last inspection to double-check everything and chat you through any final tweaks to the design, including where the battery will be placed.

  • Scaffolding

    If your home is two-storied, or has tricky access, we’ll need scaffolding to do the job safely. We’ll deliver this to your place before the installation and arrange for it to be picked up afterwards — you won’t have to lift a finger (or scaffolding bar).

  • Pets and people

    We love dogs and family just as much as the next person, but ask you to keep yours inside or safely away from our team while they’re on-site.

  • Weather-dependent

    If the conditions aren’t in our favour, we may need to come back to finish the installation when it’s safe and dry.

Who to call

Your dedicated project co-ordinator is your best point of contact throughout the installation process. They’ll run your entire project, know all the details of your home, system and install and will be available to chat through any details or questions you have whenever you need.

After installation day

A few final things to make sure your system’s as safe and efficient as possible. Both of these processes are conducted by independent contractors and we can’t control the timeline of this part.

  • Smart meter

    As part of the solar installation a smart meter will be installed. These are what enable us to buy and sell excess energy the system generates back to the grid. We help organise this part of the process with one of our trusted external contractors, who’ll drop by at a time that’s convenient.

  • Inspection

    Once the smart meter has been installed, the final step in the process is getting an independent inspector to check your system meets the official regulations. Once it’s given the green light, we’ll activate the system, and you’ll start running on sunshine.

How you'll pay

  • Solar subscription

    Once the solar system has been activated you’ll get two invoices: a part invoice for the part of the  month that you have powered you home with our solar subscription. A second invoice for the next full month in advance. 

    You’ll also receive an invoice for any grid power that your system purchased or sold. These invoices will come at different times. The solar subscription payment is due on the 20th of each month, and the grid portion from Ecotricity is due on the 5th of each month.

  • Solar Ownership

    You’ll pay 50% upfront as a deposit within 5 days of agreeing to install the solar system and the other 50% on the day of installation.

    From there, you’ll receive a monthly invoice from Ecotricity for any excess grid power that you’ve bought or sold, which arrives around the 5th of each month.