Going beyond net carbon zero with the Toitū climate positive certification programme

We’ve been on our climate positive journey since November 2021. And we’re thrilled to say that as of June 2023, solarZero is certified a climate positive organisation with Toitū Envirocare. In fact, we’re the first Toitū climate positive solar company... in the world!

Becoming climate positive with the Toitū climate positive programme is key to kaitiakitanga, and our commitment to leave the world better than we found it. This positive certification means we’ve powered on beyond being carbon neutral – to have a positive impact on our environment, society and climate.

Partnering with Ecotricity to create more positive change

We can’t slow climate change on our own. It’s only by teaming up with other organisations to take real, science-led action to decarbonise, that we can create change at scale. So solarZero members not only generate their own clean energy from the sun, but any top up electricity from the grid comes from our climate positive grid energy partner Ecotricity*. Their 100% renewable energy is generated from wind and hydro projects, as well as excess solar energy from residential and commercial customers.

How solarZero achieves climate positive certification

We can’t manage what we don’t measure. Earning and keeping our climate positive certification means we measure, monitor and report all our own and our suppliers’ emissions each year to globally recognised standards. We prioritise setting science based targets to reduce all the emissions we can first. Then we offset 125% of the emissions we can’t avoid, using verified carbon credits from investing in New Zealand forest sinks and cleaner cookstoves, which reduce emissions and improve the lives of people in developing countries.

Being certified Toitū climate positive means we:

  • Set and achieve science-aligned targets to reduce emissions in our own operations and throughout our value chain.

  • Look at opportunities and future initiatives for climate leadership.

  • Engage our suppliers and members to think about and shrink their own footprints.

  • Have a positive impact (beyond net carbon zero) by buying extra carbon credits (25% above our organisational footprint).

  • Contribute to wider environmental and social outcomes (by investing in the equivalent of 75% of our organisation’s footprint). We’re working on this right now – so watch this space for investment updates.

Why we chose Toitū

We chose to work with Toitū Envirocare because their programmes are globally recognised, data-led and science-based. Toitū gives us a credible framework to decarbonise, while supporting us with the tools to communicate our journey, and set an example for others who want to take responsibility for their carbon too.

Carbon positivity is a journey, not a destination

Getting to Toitū certified climate positive isn’t the end game for us. We’re constantly working on creating a more positive impact on the world. For us, this means innovating towards lower emissions, while setting an example for organisations and people as we transition to a low carbon economy together.

And right now, Toitū climate positive certified, 100% renewable electricity from solarZero and Ecotricity gives Kiwis an easy, affordable way to shrink their household’s carbon footprint – every time they flick a switch.


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